miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2012

Red Noses

As I mentioned before in my article English Class we start every week with a story.  Last week we read the story Red Noses.   This story showed us another adventure of the Robbinson family with the characters the students already know. 
 After reading the story I could see that my students were recognizing the words faster and that it was helping them to read. Moreover, we checked the vocabulary words, and we played on the Smart board identifying the words we had learnt as well as other words.  I feel very happy as the students are showing a lot of enthusiasm when participating as well as feeling proud of their work.
This story helped us to teach colours and that is why after an activity with colour cards the students were able to choose a colour to paint their nose.  After that, they had to present themselves saying “My name is ______ and I have a green nose”.  The colour was the one they had on their nose.
Finishing, this speaking activity we moved on to the writing activity where students played with cards on the board writing the sentences in order.
This was a wonderful experience with colour noses!
You can look at what happened through  the pictures. 
I am including three web pages we played in class.  They are about colours.  Have fun!

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